Brazil Carnival Videos

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Brazil´s Best: One hour of Rio Samba Dancing at Sambadrome. This video is a compilation of one hour of some the best live presentations of samba dancing, samba drumming, carnival floats and samba dance routines filmed at Rio de Janeiro´s Sambadrome, from 2012 all the way to 2014 Rio Carnival.

You will have the chance to see many of the top samba-schools in their final rehearsals like "Salgueiro, Imperio Serrano Samba School, GRES São Clemente, União da Ilha, GRES Portela, Capricnhosos de Pilares, GRES Salgueiro, Cubango, GRES Vila Isabel, Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel and Porto da Pedra Samba School´s". Traditional sections of Samba-Schools like the "Baianas Section", Flag bearer ( "Mestre Sala e Porta Bandeira"), were also included.

These exclusive videos are unique; many of them filmed from within the parades itself. You will also have a chance to see some of the charisma of top carnival queens like “Viviane Araujo”, “Shayene Cesário”, “Raphaela Gomes”, “ Bruna Bruno”,”Quitéria Chagas”, “Chris Alves”, “Bianca Leão”, “Aline Riscado” as well as Top Divas like “Lilian Duarte”, “Thuane Rocha” “Nilce Mel”, to mention a few.

Finally, some of the best "Passistas" ( Samba Dancers Sections ) are also present on this video, like Diana Prado with “São Clemente, Império Serrano Samba” Porto da Pedra, Mocidade Independente, União da Ilha Samba dancers " etc in close up filming. We hope you enjoy this lengthy work composition of Rio ´s Sambadrome fine moments.

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